Day to Day · Life

pages six-eight


On page five (here) I mentioned my sore throat issues… that quickly developed into far more. By Friday morning I had a full on nasty head cold and it’s still going strong today. I believe now that it has morphed into something slightly more sinister, like sinusitis (based on pain and swelling in my face, etc). Yesterday I was sneezing, coughing and blowing my nose like a mad woman. Today I WISH I could blow my nose… but I’m too stuffy. I can barely hear due to blockage in both ears. And my cough is now very chesty and my entire body cringes when a cough is imminent due to the pain. I’m on an antibiotic that my doctor prescribed just in case, so please pray that really starts to work!

BUT even though the last three days have been quite miserable as far as health goes, they have also been a blessing. I was able to stay with my parents a couple of days longer (mostly due to the no show snow) and we were able to spread out our Christmas festivities over the entire weekend. (Because we were all feeling under the weather!)

Today I stayed home from work. I’m hoping to go in tomorrow…I have so much to do and I’m a workaholic. (This is not new information.)

So, pages six-eight consisted of special family time, despite the circumstances, and a great reminder of how fortunate I am to have a close and loving family.

That’s all for now, must rest more!


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